NASA Reveals: The Asteroid Passed very Closely From The Earth

Nature keep on shocking the human being after every short period. Same happened yesterday. It has been revealed by the NASA that an asteroid passed away. It was very close to the orbit. The length of the asteroid was estimated to be 10 foot. The most exciting thing about it was that it was 20 times closer to the earth as compared to the moon. It was given a name of 2017EA. The tiny rock of space was only 9000 miles away from the eastern side of Pacific Ocean.  This was the nearest point of the asteroid which was arrived at the time of 6:04 a.m PST on Thursday morning.

This year has been very sensitive, so many close shaves were seen. Still, do not need to worry as it has been said by the astronomers that this piece of space is not going to come back near the earth for at least hundreds of years. The asteroid was detected only six hours before it was going to approach the nearest point as it has been mentioned above. The good thing was that the objected passed away without damaging anything. The only thing to worry about at that time was it came into the ring of geosynchronous satellites. It was a very close face to face interaction of the satellites and asteroids.

There were a lot of observatories by which this object was spotted before it passed near the shadow of the earth. It was said by the astronomers that this orbit has now been apparently plotted by them. It is revealed from the sources that it only comes after when a larger rock from space passes which might be of 11 to 20 meters with the distance as much as of the moon.  More than one month before there was an asteroid which was roughly equal to the size of school bus passed by the Earth on 24 of January. It was almost 30 percent closer to the earth as compared to the moon. It was given the name of “Rerun.” It was discovered by the scientist just a few days before it reached near to the earth. Along with it, scientists described it as the close shave.

Expecting More Asteroid Nearest Flight In Future

Until now, according to NASA, there were total four close shaves seen. The asteroid which was seen on 20 January led towards another incident. In that incident, an asteroid which was almost equal to the 10th story building passed, and it was the only half distance away as that of a moon. It was nearly 50 and 111 feet long. Well, this was a huge one. Now, NASA is continuously working and trying to detect each of the asteroid passing nearby the earth. It is expected that there would be many of them and might be possible they pass by near to the orbit in the coming month of the year.

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