India, Muslims, and Democracy

India prides itself in claiming that it is the largest democracy in the world. India has 29 states, and 7 of the states are centrally administrated. India houses around 172 million Muslims which is around 14% of its total population. The Muslim legacy is very strong in India, tracing roots to the seventh century Hijri, and coming on in from Arab, Afghanistan, and Persia. Indian held Kashmir is the only province of India where Muslims are in the majority – around 80% of its population is Muslim. The Interesting thing is that India, the largest democracy, is reluctant to accept the will of the people of Kashmir.

A brief history and the behavior of India towards Kashmir

When the Maharaja of Kashmir decided to merge with India in 1947, the Muslim population of Kashmir was shocked and anger. It was against their wishes to not be a part of the new arising Muslim country Pakistan. Indian leader Nehru, along with Imperial rulers, made it possible for India to have land access to Kashmir by demarcating the Muslim Punjabi states with India. Pakistan intervened, with military aid too, and managed to get hold of a part of Jammu and Kashmir, which is called Azad Jammu and Kashmir and is a self-governing administration under Pakistan.

India has written a brutal and shameful narration of its atrocity in Kashmir. India has deployed around two hundred thousand soldiers, fully equipped in the area, up against the unarmed and innocent people seeking freedom. Injuries, rape, torture, abductions, and killings are not something unknown of in Indian held Kashmir. Around hundred thousand civilians had been reported killed since the 1980s at the hand of the Indian army. Recently, a video clip went viral where Indian soldiers used a Kashmiri Muslim man as a human shield for their jeep. International Committee of Red Cross has accused India of electrocutions, rape, extrajudicial criminal acts, and killings.

Taking away the fundamental human rights

India has denied Kashmir’s of their fundamental human rights. They have no right to express their will and thoughts; they have no right to freedom, they have no right to move freely as curfews are places every so often. Indian freedom leaders like Meer VayzUmer Farooq, Syed Ali Gillani, and Yaseen Malik are placed in arrests or house arrests frequently. Muslims are not allowed to pray in mosques, they are not allowed sacrifice cows on Eid-ul-Azha or eat cow meat anyhow. There have been reported around six major massacres of Kashmiris in the history by India military and paramilitary. Many mass graves have been unearthed by people there. India does not allow international media or observers in the area as to not let them know the barbarism being imparted by it.

Final words:

All through the history, India has brought damage and harm to Kashmir just so that it can suppress the spark of freedom in the people there. United Nations and other international human rights watches must took notice of this oppression and force Bharat (India) to hold the referendum in Kashmir & prove itself to be a democracy, let apart the largest, by respecting the will and wish of Kashmiri people.

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