October 27: The Black Day Or Death day In Kashmir

It has been almost seven decades for the Kashmiris who are facing critical issues in the country. It was started when the troops of Indian Army landed in Kashmir in 1947, October 27. Yes, this was the day when everything started and still going on. The people of Kashmir take this day as a black day from both sides of the control line. Every year, people shut down which is all over the occupied Kashmir. Rallies, demonstrations, and different seminars are conducts to show the world what has happened and still continued. Thousands of people are getting hit by the Indians forces in every corner of the street. The Black day in Kashmir is going to be held every year.
Bloodbath In Kashmir
Almost three hundred thousand Kashmiri Muslims were killed in just two months. The Jammu Kashmir was a beautiful piece of land was turned into a bloodbath. It was done just to harm the Kashmiris who have the wish to get connected with Pakistan rather than India. The murders of those innocent people have been described by many of the historians as the worst example of the genocide in the Kashmir.
Marches Held In Kashmir
In 2008, Kashmiris took a step forward which was against the Occupation of India. The people over there started to on long marches to show the sentiments which were anti-India along with the demand of self-determination to live peacefully on their land. It continued for almost three years, but mostly the Indian troops made massive killings. They killed 200 protesters in this period. These protesters were not doing any disaster but were just using the right to raise voice against them.
Support Of Pakistan
The history is the witness that the people even the leaderships in the Pakistan always supported the Kashmiris. The Prime Minister, Nawaz Sharif addressed in the united nation assembly and highlighted the issue of Kashmir. He stresses them to work the conflict and resolve this matter so that the Kashmiris could also spend a peace life. On the other hand, the Chief of an Army, the General Rahil Sharif who is also like the father of the nation as Quad.i. Azam called the Jammu and Kashmir as the vein of Pakistan. Well, these are very profound words with a lot of meanings hidden inside.
This was a little overview of the background for all the 27 October observance. The black day, this is held all over the globe. The main aim of the day is to remind the powers of the world, international communities to work of the disputes of Kashmir according to the wish of the people living. Furthermore, it is to highlight a clear message to the New Dehli that Kashmiris utterly reject the occupation of their piece of land. They will continue the struggle, and one day they will be able to achieve rights.


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