Myths and misconceptions about search engines.


Before going towards the misconceptions about Search Engines, we should have a brief over view that what search engine optimization is or what search engine is and what search engine does?

Search engine optimization is a process which affects the visibility of a website or a web page in a search result of a search engine. Search Engine, is software that is programmed to find out the information on the web. The search engine displays the most relevant and most popular matter about the required subject.

Let us now debunk few major myths and misconception about search engines.

Having More Links:

Quality contents are essential than having more links. The link must be connected to quality contents. If the content is good it will attract more and more people, and links will develop automatically, which will in turn boost the site and help in the long run but if content is not good than thousands of links are useless.

Social Media, Nothing to SEO:

Social media has everything to do with SEO, for this very reason a specific name for the two “social search” is used. People are attracted more towards visual rather than text, if we have our product or company on social media, it will be displayed on Google Search. So make it happen that you have social media strategy, this definitely affects SEO.

SEO, One Time Thing:

The internet change constantly with the passage of time, so there is a need to change SEO scheme with it. SEO needs proper monitoring specially updates, to meet the modern needs. We have to plan the strategy to meet the famous search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Bing etc.

Front Heading (H1), Most Important:

It does not matter for SEO, that we are using H1 over H2, H3 or H4. It is for styling purpose, which will do nothing to the ranking of search engine. We are not going to be ranked higher in the search engine for larger fonts, the thing which is important, is to create interest for the visitors in the beginning so they proceed ahead.

Appearance of Home Page and Contents Should Be Changed Regularly:

SEO has nothing to do with the homepage appearance and so as the contents. If you want to change the appearance for yourself it fine than but what people look for is the substance of the contents. If the material is up to date and unique that is the thing which matter rather than appearance.

Abundance of Contents:

Abundance of contents doesn`t matters, what matters is the need. The content must be fresh and creative which is required. We have to introduce new things and even disclose new points about the old things. This will attract the people and the search engine rank you at high level rather than have spoiled eggs in dozen.

PPC Is Important:

PPC (Pay per Click) has nothing to do with the ranking of a website in the search engine. There is no truth in adverting through Ad Words will improve the organic search ranking.

Google; the Only Search Engine:

It is true that Google is the source of most of the traffic but one cannot deny the other search engines such as Yahoo, Bing and many more. They can give a decent, in fact a very decent amount of web traffic.

After discussing myths, I would like to say that nothing about SEO is ever hard and fast. The famous search engines update their algorithms monthly and they are never same, don`t attempt to trick them because it’s not worth to lose the clients search position. So establish your search optimization on facts but not on myths and misconceptions.

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