The most important issue which is revolving around from last four decades all around the world is “Kashmir conflicts.” Yes, this is the problem which causes the two countries Pakistan and India to go to war. It is the only country in the world who is sharing borders with two nuclear-powered countries. It is the reason because of which the chances of nuclear war are raising. Some historians and analysts worked on this topic, and they came to the result. Both of the countries would not be able to resolve it by themselves. The United Nations need to work on it. They need to do something for resolving. Otherwise, hundreds of innocent people will be killed.
There was a situation in which any statement regarding Kashmir created rumpus for many times. No matter, who said that statement either Prime Minister from Pakistan or India. All the politicians used to dwell for many days on the remark left by the particular person. The ex-Prime Minister of Pakistan Yousuf Raza Gilani said during a public talk that the issue of Kashmir can be solved only through talk, not by hostilities. But the ordinary people, not even India or Pakistani politician noticed his words. It is the difference which is observed with the passage of time. When are people not even seeing the phrase about Kashmir then who would work on resolving it? It is the time to think about it.
However, the leaders of the Pakistan government also realized that there is no alternative to this issue except the amity. The friendliness and dialogue are the only problems left. It is true. Now, you must be thinking how is it possible that this critical issue gets resolved only dialogues? It will happen. It is an only problem left behind. Three wars including the misadventure at Kargil didn’t work for both parties after which they could get agree on a point. How are more wars going to work? Only one peaceful solution is available in this situation which is having a friendly communication.
The forces of Indian Army are also not happy. They are also not happy because it was said by the commanders of Kashmir and Jammu that it is a problem of politician. It is not only an issue of a military. Still, the Indians are keeping it continued. It is predicted that if the Kashmiris remained unhappy with the situation, they might end on getting joined with Pakistan. In this case, the new Dehli might face issues. If there is an issue, then the army should be on the borders not within the country and kill people. Kashmir has been created and called as the bloodbath. The most beautiful land on earth full of innocent Muslims suffering the killings every day. The United Nation should start thinking about it and make both countries on getting agree at a common point.
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