The Caption Of Huge Meteor in Texas: 700 Miles Away and Creation Of Sonic Boom

A lot news are heard daily which do not have any thing interesting in it. Here is the one in which all of the people would be interested. A meteor was seen over the skies of the beautiful place in the world Texas. It created a rare sonic boom. Well, it was seen and shared by a police officer. He captured it with his car’s dashboard camera. It was reported by the police officer names as Tiffany Vanzant. Driving in town gave the police officer a chance to see it falling from the sky. The time mentioned by the officer was about 8:55 pm when meteor in Texas was seen.

Well, it is a breaking news being red all over the world today. Furthermore, another person claimed that she saw the meteor falling from the sky name as Lauren Modery. The girl’s own word about watching the meteor was “ saw a meteor so big. It was bright and so close that I slammed the brakes of the car. It seemed like it is going to hit the road. “There were a lot of people who though it was something else which is just going to hit the ground badly” said by Hankey “ Actually 10 miles up in the sky, it created a sonic that was like a sound of rumbling or a sound of explosion”.

The observers reported that they were watching the meteor from the Aurora Colorado which was about 700 miles away from the place to which it actually effected. It was estimated by Hankey that the remnants of the falling meteor might have affected the area which is about 100 miles away. It could be southeast of Lubbock, Texas. It might have produced many small meteorites which survived while entering in to the atmosphere. The hunters of such things should be in search of the pieces of the rocks fallen from the sky. The experts said that they are expected to be heavier than normal with smooth surfaces and might have the ability to magnets.

These kinds of meteor falling are a rare case but sometime when it occurs leaves a severe impact on the particular place. It is expected that it have not done any kind of disaster at the place of falling. The news with it fallen pieces expected to be seen on the screen soon. As it has been mentioned above that the researcher would be after those. Now wait for further new related it, hope to get news with no effect on the lives of the people at least. Lets see the Meteor in Texas will be spotted or not. Check the link below to watch the original video captured by them:

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