5 best apps in 2014

This is the era of iPhones, Andriod and iOS devices. Most of the people carry one of these devices and proudly tells everyone that “Hey Look! I got iPhone 5! Or, here, look at this, I just got my personal iOS 6 or iOS 7”. Well, having these devices is becoming a trend now.

Apple has introduced many great functionalities to its new devices but they lack tons of great things which, to me, are more amazing than having these devices. Few features may be added to the upcoming iOS system, but the truth is, they can never beat android phones because of strict Apple’s policies which developers have to follow at any rate.

There are many things which only The Android phones can do while iPhone and iPads cannot.

The fun which Apple users are missing is listed below;

Profile Scheduler:
It is one of the most admiring application for me because, suppose, if a person forgot to change a profile at night and someone called him unintentionally while he was sleeping, the other person disturbed his sleep. So, now when he is awake, he’ll go through the scheduler, switches it to silent and then will go back to sleep. But wait. What about having it done by your phone automatically? Looks quite amazing. Yes, android phone has designed this app for this purpose. Now, your phone will check time, automatically changes the battery life and dims phone’s screen to 10%, turns off sounds if it’s night, disable alerts for e-mails. But the contacts of white list can still contact the user. At morning, it automatically switches to “normal” and so on.

This application uses mapping and navigation system. This completely replaces the lock screen and shows those apps on home screen which user uses the most. For example, in car, it will show maps, and tour guides on lock screen for easy accessing. In office, when it connects with work place’s wifi then switches profile to “work” and disable other social media related apps and turns off sounds and enable vibrating alerts. At home, the fun related apps would be shown on lock screen. etc.

An another app in 5 best apps in 2014 , which I have been constantly using these current days has to be snapchat. It’s an app in which 350 million pictures are sent a day to friends around the world. I can see short videos of friends and also pictures at all times weather they are at university or in home. In the same way, I can send them pictures and short videos of myself or what I’m doing too, that way they are updated about what I’m doing during the day.

Around Me:
This app has to be around me in 5 best apps in 2014. This app has helped me in many situations and I wouldn’t be here today if it wasn’t for this app. Around me one of the best locator app, it automatically locates you position and let you know about near hot positions, like gas stations, banks, clubs, and other things. The app is totally based on Google Maps, it remains that they have not created everything by themselves and there can be problems. But Still it is a great app.

This app has got to do with music. Again this has got to be my most handy app as it helps my anger stay in control. I tend to forget song names and it frustrates me trying to figure out the title so Shazam is an app which can magically help you to recall your songs, even you do not remember it. What Shazam do is that it listens to the already playing music and let you know which song it is, Magic! Yes it is.

These are few apps which only an android phone can give you. There are many more like swype, widgets etc which makes your phone “An Interesting Thing” for you. So grab an android phone for you and have fun because iPhones and iOS can never give you full time fun and entertainment with just one device.

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